Sunday, February 26, 2012

4 Months

It's hard to believe Chase is 4 months old.  He now weighs 14 pounds 8 ounces and is 24.5 inches long. 

He is lifting his head more while on his tummy and can roll over, although, he still doesn't do it consistently.  He has become a lot more alert and is enjoying holding onto toys and bringing things to his mouth.  He likes chewing on his own hand the most.

Chase was at the Greencastle-Antrim basketball game when the Central Dauphin player shattered the backboard.

We had a playdate with our friends and Chase got to meet adorable Chloe (8 months).

She wasn't so sure about him, so she had to come check him out.
Chase is babbling, smiling, and laughing out loud.  He loves when we sing songs to him.  He enjoys his bath and likes to kick in the water. He goes to sleep around 7:30 p.m., wakes up to eat around 3:00 a.m. and then gets up usually around 6:00 a.m.  This past week he has been waking up again at 5:00 a.m. and has been sleeping the rest of the morning in bed with Mommy. ( I know...I didn't want to start that, but hey, I need my sleep too!)

Now that Chase is 4 months old, we've just started to give him cereal at night before bed.  Look for pictures/video on our next month's blog ;-)

Monday, January 23, 2012

3 Months

Chase was 3 months old yesterday, January 22.  He weighs 13 pounds 6 ounces. He is eating 6 ounces every 2.5 to 3 hours.  He is still spitting up so we got the ok from the doctor today to increase his dosage of Zantac to 1 ml twice a day. 

Joe Paterno passed away January 22, so in honor of him, we wore our Penn State shirts. 

Chase started daycare after New Years.  This is a picture of his first day.

He loves daycare.  I don't know what they do there, but he is tired out by the time he gets home.  He has been sleeping through the night.  Last night he slept 9 hours and I actually had to wake him up to feed him this morning.

In the past month Chase has gained 2 pounds.  He laughs, smiles, babbles, and coos.  He likes to look at books and have books read to him.  He wants to sit up and look around.  He is lifting his head while on his tummy and kicking his legs. He watches his Dad walk around the room and smiles at him. Chase got a play mat for Christmas and he loves to watch the animals that hang from it.  He is starting to reach for them. He has a strong grip and will hold a toy for a minute or two, but I don'tthink he really knows he's holding it yet.
He enjoys his bath.

We've gone to a lot more basketball games and got this great picture of Chase with his uncles.  The team is 13-0, how exciting!

Chase is such a good baby :-)  We really never started a strict routine/schedule with him.  He eats when he's hungry and sleeps when he's tired.  He pretty much put himself on a schedule.  We're starting to be able to tell the difference between his hungry cry, poopy diaper cry, and "I'm just upset because no one is holding me" cry.   He is such a blessing to our lives and I couldn't be happier!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

2 Months


On December 22 Chase was 2 Months old.  I went back to work on the 19th after being off for 12 weeks.  It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be.  It was good to be back and I knew Chase was in good hands.  On Monday and Tuesday he stayed with my mother and father in law and on Wednesday and Thursday he stayed with my Mom.  He is spoiled by his grandparents :-)

In the past month he has rolled from his belly to his back 5 times, but he's not consistent.  He coos and makes all sorts of sounds.  He smiles and is starting to laugh out loud.  He tracks people and toys.  He holds his head pretty well and we just started using the Bumbo seat for a few minutes at a time.  He likes it at first, but then gets tired of it if he doesn't have anything to stare at. Same with his bouncy seat.  He just prefers to be held ;-)

Chase absolutely loves going to his uncle's basketball games. He is usually awake and happy.  He enjoys looking at the bright lights and the new environment around him.  He has fans too that enjoy seeing him and getting to hold him.
Chase has always spit up, but when he was little it wasn't much at a time so we weren't concerned.  After his 1 month check up the doctor wanted to get him off Newborn formula and on Infant formula, so we made the switch to Enfamil AR which is for babies who spit up more than 5 times a day.  We mixed half and half for a few weeks and he did pretty well with the transition.  He was a little constipated a day or two, but now he is completely on AR and doing great with it.  Last week, however, he started spitting up a lot at one time and spitting up a couple of times after each feeding, so I made a doctor's appointment.  The doctor thought right away it was acid reflux and she sent him to the hospital for an Upper GI.  The results showed he did have acid reflux so now he takes baby Zantac twice a day.  After a week, we have seen a big difference.

Yesterday we went for his 2 month WCC.  He weighs 11 pounds 4 ounces and is 22 inches long.  He is growing so fast!  He was eating 6 ounces every 3 to 4 hours, but the doctor told us last week that we should cut him back to 4 ounces every 2 to 3 hours to help with his acid reflux.  We've tried that for a week now and he does pretty good.  Sometimes he drinks 6 ounces when he has gone longer in between feedings than normal. 

As long as he doesn't sleep all day, he has been sleeping 6 hours straight at night.  The past 2 days he has done really good.  Last night he woke up just once to eat.

We're looking forward to Chase's first Christmas and spending time with our wonderful family!!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

1 Month Old

Chase is 1 month old today.  We went to his Well Child Check this morning.  Chase now weighs 8 pounds 5 ounces and is 20 inches long.  (He weighed 6 pounds 14 ounces when he was born)
At the doctor's, before his shot

He did so good and didn't cry until he got his shot.  He got his 2nd Hep shot today. (He received the first one in the hospital when he was 1 day old) 

After his shot

The pediatrician said Chase is doing very well and seems healthy.
Chase is having very alert periods where he is bright-eyed and looks all around.  He is starting to focus on things and track people and objects.  He smiles and is starting to coo.  He says "oooh" while he's getting his diaper changed :-)

Chase is eating breast milk and formula- about 3 to 4 ounces every 2 to 4 hours.  He keeps this schedule through the night, so we can't complain.  He is sleeping pretty well now.  He gets swaddled and sleeps in a cradle next to our bed.  Sometimes he likes to sleep in his bouncy chair that vibrates and plays music. Daddy is a night owl, so he stays up and does the late night feeding ( between 12 and 1 a.m) so I can sleep a few hours straight.  This is a big help and I really appreciate it!
We're on a good schedule now, but this will all change again when I have to go back to work.  I have 4 more weeks of maternity leave left at home with him.
This month has gone by so fast!  I can't say it was all easy or enjoyable, but it was certainly a great adventure and something I wouldn't change for the world.  Love you Chasey!